In the winter of her second year of high school, Kasumi suddenly becomes a shut-in at home. For several years after that, he lived a self-indulgent life without stepping out of his house, but when he started streaming online for the purpose of throwing money, he was ridiculed by the viewers, saying, “I don’t like the conversation or the sex appeal.” I want to lick Ji Po,” and fixed his eyes on his younger brother, Yuuto. Yuuto, who secretly had special feelings for her older sister, accepted her request and had Kasumi, who was obsessed with her male genitalia, give him a blowjob every night. One day, she says, “I want to have a relationship more than siblings,” but Kasumi refuses, “because they are siblings.” Angered, Yuuto starts dating a female classmate because of her sister’s accusations, and Kasumi’s emotions are greatly shaken when she witnesses the scene. Even though she’s her younger brother, she’s not her lover, but she just wanted to see her… She felt intense jealousy for the first time. “I can’t forgive Yuuto’s cock is mine!” Is this sexual desire or love? Kasumi Tsukino passionately plays a brocon woman who is obsessed with her brother’s penis! * Due to the specifications of the work, there are parts where the image is rough in some scenes.
DKD-010 Even Though I’m A Withdrawal And A Shy Person, My Big-breasted And Cute Sister Only Licks My Cock. Kasumi Tsukino
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