Rio Sasaki, a gloomy boy who was treated badly by his mother Harumi, discriminated against as a handsome student by his homeroom teacher Kasumi, and hated by his childhood friend Chinatsu, has harbored hatred for women for many years. Norio, who learned how to control a woman at the “Misogi Office” in a certain building, made Harumi and Kasumi obey with his cock, and even touched Chinatsu’s virgin pussy and even Chinatsu’s mother, Naoko. extend. And, as a proof of dominance, he seeded four female pigs with thick sperm… Dark boy’s revenge harem training plan” is here!
Arare Nishiguchi, Ayumi Shinoda, Chisato Shoda, Masumi Takasaka), Reiko Sawamura (Honami Takasaka